Monday, January 10, 2011

We are not saying we are all knowing!!! READ

Definitely, not saying that women are stronger then men. Not saying that we are all knowing. However we are in touch with one element that makes us more in tunes with who we are. Emotions! Most females are definitely not afraid of showing what they are made of. They are not afraid to neither love, or to not love. They are not afraid to yell, scream, cry, whether it be positive or negative. Most ladies have this emotion they get to feel, that can do two things: Be a great attribute and at the same time be a negative aspect of who they are.
I'll leave you with that thought>>>???

Emotions is definitely, what makes us ladies full of swag and at the same time the element that overshadows our mental judgement. As we tend to capt into our emotions to make decisions. Not all females are like thios but most are.

However, take a look at those strong women that surround you and see if I am mistaken. Nothing that is said here should be taken for the truth. This is just an opinion.

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