Thursday, December 16, 2010

What makes me a real woman??

Every woman define themselves as who they portray themselves to be or would like to become! As for me actions speaks louder than word!!!

Dont judge a book by its cover, make sure that you are really who you want to portray. Every woman is made of strenght, as lets not forget we bare children for nine months and go through great pain in giving birth. Howver not all ladies act as they shoulkd act. You ever heard the saying, that man say, "I want a lady in the streets and a Feak in the bed."

Think about it, no need to act like your a freak by acting in a way which is unlady like. Be a graceful, lady and be what you want to be by acting the way a woman posessing swag would. A woman with strenght is capable of anything they put their mine to.

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